(+48) 885 181 888 biuro@verpol.com.pl

20 years of experience

VER-POL Logistics

VER-POL Logistics

Over 20 years of experience in the TFL trade

we are company with over 20 years of experience in the TFL trade. We run our business both on the domestic and international market.

Our goal is to provide professional services that meet the individual customer needs. We implement innovative solutions and comprehensive support for supply chains, regardless of their type and territorial range. We successfully use our many years of experience, which is supported by customer satisfaction.

More about us

Why Us?

1. Flexibility of services

2. Professionalism and experience

3. Quick response

4. Safety

5. On time delivery

6. High quality of service

We offer a full package of logistics services:

Phone number

(+48) 885 181 888




ul. Wschodnia 9
05-830 Szamoty